Sponsorship Increase


Since our inception in 2013, ESMAfrica has served more than 150 children in Southern Ethiopia. And it is because of financial and prayer partners like you that the reach and impact of the ministry continues to grow. On behalf of the more than 80 children that ESMAfrica serves in three homes—Thank you!

Since the function of the ministry is as a family, most of the children stay with us in a long-term capacity. Alongside the privilege to lovingly serve each child, comes the responsibility to meet the practical needs of: food, clothing, housing, school, and medicine to name some. This is the reason why we began a child sponsorship program in 2013, for connection and support from sponsorship partners to children’s care, both practically and prayerfully.

For more than five years our monthly child sponsorship amount has been set at $30 per child/per month, with the goal for each child to have five sponsors each in order to meet the above practical needs. Unfortunately, very few of the children have been able to meet the five-sponsor goal. Combining that with annual inflation and costs in Ethiopia increasing by an average of 20% annually, a need to increase the sponsorship amount per child became apparent.

After careful review and analysis of sponsorships and expenditures, the ESMAfrica Board of Directors agreed that it would be prudent to increase the monthly sponsorship amount from $30 per month/child to $40 per month/child effective March 1, 2019. This additional funding is needed to meet the expenses related to caring for each child. The board is confident that this increase will meet our children’s needs for 2019, and moving forward.

For existing sponsorships initiated prior to March 1st, the sponsorship amount will remain at $30 (or $45 for a family) monthly, unless manually changed by the sponsor. For new sponsorships from March 1st forward

  • A monthly child sponsorship will be set at $40 month/child. Annual child sponsorships would then increase to $480 year/child.
  • A monthly family sponsorship will be set at $50 month/child. Annual family sponsorships would then increase to $600 year/family.
  • All sponsors will continue to receive biannual updates

For more information or to initiate a sponsorship you can do so by going to our child sponsorship page. As always, should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via email at info@esmafrica.org.

We thank you for your understanding as we move forward with this transition.

Thanks and Blessings,

The ESMAfrica Family

ESMA is a 501c3 U.S. non-profit organization and your donation or sponorship is tax-deductible to the fullest extent the law allows.