- Gender:Female
- Birthdate:April 18, 2024 (9 ሚያዝያ 2016)
- Known Family:Mother + Other Relatives
- Home:EGCH
Selah was born to her deaf mother who has been supported by Ebenezer ever since she came in 2018. Her mom had been attending a school for the Deaf for a couple years and had gone to visit her family during the summer break time. It was in the summer of 2023 that she was raped and conceived Selah. They are both currently living at Ebenezer and Selah has many “aunties” and “uncles,” as well as a few extra “grandparents” who all love on and help care for her.
If you would like to sponsor Selah, please click the “Sponsor” button located under the profile image to the left.
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