Reintegration & Adoption

Our hope is that each child that comes through our doors will become part of a family. We are happy that God brought some to us, and we were able to see them be placed into a loving family.

“God sets the lonely in families…” - Psalm 68:6

Children Reintegrating Into Families

Since 2013, we have had the privilege of facilitating 27 children reintegrate into their families, and have supported single mothers and fathers as they seek to raise their children and function as a family.

We support families by doing what we can to keep them together. Many children have been abandoned. Whenever possible, we try to combat the problem of child abandonment, by taking in the mother along with her child. It’s through this, that we hope that there is a connection made between mother and child, and that they would know that they are not alone. In the past, we have provided job and educational opportunities for mothers and fathers, as well as transitional support when mothers step out to raise their children on their own. Unfortunately, it’s not a failproof plan. We’ve lost contact with some, and some came and left without their child. Love does not lose hope… as we seek to provide each with the opportunity to be a family.

Local Adoption

Since 2013, the Ebenezer family has had 27 children adopted locally. God has opened doors in–literally–our own backyard for children to be locally adopted.

We don’t take adopting one of our children lightly. We endeavor to do what is best for each child. Through the experience of the process, we have witnessed the beautfiul stories God has written for His glory. Children go from unwanted to wanted, abandoned to chosen, having no identity to having a new identity. No matter how many adoptions go through, we can’t help but share how much it reflects the heart of God. Adoption is our story.

ESMA is a 501c3 U.S. non-profit organization and your donation or sponorship is tax-deductible to the fullest extent the law allows.